Sunday, March 1, 2009

Day 1: February 19, 2009

What a freaking day! We left New York at 6:15pm on weds and had about an 8 hour flight to Zurich. I sat in the plane with Alex and Julya… airplane buddies!! (See picture). We were convinced Swiss Air hates us because they put us in the very last row of the plane. But we had fun… even if it felt bumpier back there. We landed in Zurich and it was soooo beautiful there. They got a bunch of snow the day before so everything was covered in white. When we flew over the alps a little part of me was wishing I was going there to snowboard.

Second flight was pretty uneventful accept when the pilot pointed out that we were flying over Venice. When we landed in Tel Aviv the air was thick and brown and blocking out the sun a bit. I later found out it was because a sandstorm had blown through. Our guides thought we hadn’t traveled enough so we spent the rest of the day traveling on the bus for 5 hours to the Golan Heights were weare staying for the next few days. We had dinner played ice breakers and passed out from exhaustion.

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